Hello climber!!
We have a big news today!!
It is for climber
・plan to entry competition
・belongs to national team
・is fickle
and anyone who wants to more more climb @NBP!!
キーワードは 「1週間」
Key word is “1 WEEK”
本日よりNBPから”1 WEEK PASS “が登場
We have made 1 week pass.
It go on sale today.
You can use PUMP and B-PUMP for 1 week when you get.
Climber who come NBP during vacation
Climber who want to train for competition
National team that want to train in Japan
(Because NBP is the best gym of train of bouldering!!)
approved by many professional climber
We highly recommend it to everyone who want to climb short intensive
and climber who is wondering about becoming month, year and half year member.
Please choice which you want!
1WEEK PASS 一般(adult)¥6,500(税別) 学生(student)¥5,200(税別)
→ 現在登録済みのPUMP B-PUMPが1週間通い放題(登録のない店舗を利用する場合は別途登録料が必要となります)
The pack includes;
1week pass for 1 PUMP climbing gyms…
You can use 1 PUMP gyms you register free for 7days from the date of purchase.
In case you woud visit other PUMP gyms you don’t register until then, you have to pay registration fee at each PUMP gyms.
This pack suits for customers who would have used “1week pass” until then, or who would visit only registered PUMP gyms,
or who would visit 1 or 2 non-registered PUMP gyms (registration fee would be about \2,000) while short stay in Japan.
1WEEK PASS PLUS 一般(adult)¥9000(税別) 学生(student)0¥8200(税別)
→ 全てのPUMP B-PUMPが1週間通い放題
The pack includes;
1 WEEK PASS PLUSは全店の登録料込みだからそれだけでも充分なお得感